Friday, February 3, 2012

Pieces of the Past

Working day two on the garage/studio reclamation project, I found a box marked from 2002 that said "Precious Childhood". That was the year of leaving California.
Ancient stuffed animals in a plastic bag, doll clothes, collectible Barbie's, an Elvis "Teen Idol" doll. At the bottom were three baskets, two sewing and one plastic knitting basket. I could feel a rainy day.
Whenever it rained, my mother would have some kind of project for her three little girls to do; embroidery, knitting, sewing, crafting...anything to keep us from getting cabin fever.

I knew what was inside but it still evoked a flood of memories...clothes Mom had made us, doll clothes, her dresses...
Pieces of the past.

All of a sudden I was at Fairmount Park with my dress tucked into my pants so I could run and play with my sisters after we had all been to church that morning.

A rare memory of my father there with us.

It must have taken me years to get this little bit done. There were hand stitches and machine both.

I kept working on finishing up the book "exchange" (bringing them all inside to the shelves I made several months back).

I put all my favorite design and gardening books within reach...

At that point I decided to just put the rest on the floor until I could determine what order to arrange them in...

...or if they might have any value  to sell online...
the dolls too, they weren't from childhood, they were more recent "investments"!
Somewhere in the course of the day, I realized I had forgotten to take my "All Cell Detox" capsules; so decided I should eat something (since that's what the bottle says to do)

I found some organic "everything" crackers" and the sound of the cellophane rattling brought Little Red-Haired Girl to right by my side...

Her little curtsey for a plea....

"O. o. o. oh kay!", I said...
While I was standing there eating crackers, her by my side, I looked up and noticed that the ceiling of the garage must have been a blue color at some point...

She's watching the cracker in my hand...

Before the cellophane, she was under the table, minding her own business...way on the other side of the house.

Don't you wish you had dog hearing..maybe not.

Nature's Sunshine Products, I carried them in my shop...You can still order products at
and if you care to give me credit, just use my account number for a reference. #2545646-7
Fabulous products. Worth the time to check them out.

Brussels sprouts for dinner and don't think she didn't want some of those too!

Fairmount Park, can't you just see three little girls running with their skirts tucked in?
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou...

March 1954 curtsey, just a wee.e.e.e... little bit before my time...

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