Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unnecessary Baggage

It was a beautiful weekend. The wind behaved. Last weekend, not so much. The plan had been to have the yard sale then; but since my friend and I could not seem to get ahead of the chores to make it ready, we postponed until this weekend.
GOD is great!
We had gale force winds last weekend. It would have been a disaster.
Two perfect days this weekend.

The first day I sat in the purple plastic Adirondack chair and faced the sun. I forgot to wear a visor as it was so nice. Too much vitamin D. Sunburned nose and forehead. Aloe Vera seemed to soothe it and diminish the damage.
Day two, same position, but with visor.
People came and went in gentle cycles and most people left with something.
The ultimate goal is to shed unnecessary baggage, stuff and not add to landfills. Still a long way to go.

I have been telling Little Red-Haired Girl that it is time for her to shed too. I have been trying to reduce her caloric intake; but it is terribly hard to tell what she looks like under all that fur; so today, after Church, I got the scissors out. I made sure I didn't open the drawer where I keep her toenail clippers. She flees at the sound.
I managed to "trick" her and we sat out in the sun and I "clipped" her.
I will eventually shave her. Her hair is so dense and it is still a little too little sun to bath her and get her dry. I opted to clip and bath her later, then use the electric tool. She will have to look like a ragamuffin for a few weeks because I don't like to force that much drama on her all at once.
I think I can feel her ribs again.

I'll have to tell on myself. I was just doing some testing.
I had a stained glass hanging breakfast lamp that has been moving around my stuff for about ten years now, at least. Never have I found a proper place for it. The glass would probably fetch $20 to purchase alone.
It had gotten rusty from hanging out in a tree, just for lack of a better place to put it's heavy self.
It came to me in a package of things I purchased from a vendor at an antiques mall where I was working when he finally decided to close his shop.
I wanted to put a $20 tag on it, but know how yard sales go, so I put $10.
The first interested couple asked me if I would take $5 for it. I just couldn't stomach the idea, so said, "Sorry, no."
As they left I peeled the $10 tag off and put on a $15 one. It was about 30 minutes before another man asked me if I would take $10 for it. I grimaced and groaned, wondered if I could change it again to $20 and get $15, but decided that I had learned what I wanted to know. People just want to think they are getting a deal. I should know that by now, I have worked most of my life in retail where things are perpetually 50% off.
Off what? I'd really like to know.
So, as the fur flies, we made out okee dokee. Lots of stuff gone, happy people with their deals and almost enough to cover the property tax!
Remember, this is Podunk, Poughkeepsieville. But we like it just the same.
Little Red-Haired Girl is glaring at me on the floor wanting something to put on her new thin ribs.
It's an hour late for her.
Better go. She'll start her hula dance if I don't.

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