Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Games People Play

Ms. SpoolTeacher's friend, who cannot hear a thing, ever, (especially when she hears a noise in the engine), said, "You have to change that oil. That noise, can't you hear that noise? That's the noise of thin oil", he said.

Of course, it was just about three months or so ago that she had the oil changed at one of those places where "Boys" work and while they were bringing it down off the rack, the oil they had just put in all fell out and they had to "adjust a few things" that they were not transparent at all to her about ...
"Am I going to be safe to drive home. I just had the engine rebuilt. Are you sure this has been done right now? Are you SURE!?"

Her friend offered to change the oil for her to get rid of that thin oil sound and she said, "I just had it changed, I'm not changing it now."
But he nagged and nagged and nagged and nagged. So finally she caved in and bought the oil and agreed to pay him with dinner or something....
But then he couldn't budge the plug that the Boys had secured and he got mad at that again and told her she should take it back and demand, and demand...
And she said, "I'm not taking it back. I just will never go there again."
"You have to get that oil changed", he nagged again. You have to get that oil changed again and again and again he nagged...
So she agreed, but only if he would do it for free...
"That'll get him quiet", she thought..
Think again...nag, nag, nag...
 "See how bad that plug was, see how it should look?"
Nag, nag...
So while Mr. Friend was doing his manly man thing..she waltzed around his yard seeing what she could see...

His pecans were doing what pecans do, bursting all over they were...
If she had wanted to climb to the top she could, but she decided to keep on waltzing...
He's never answered why he doesn't water the birds, but he will occasionally water the pecans but not the cacti...???


...and why does he keep them like that????

Several years they have been there now...

Not long ago she trimmed the oleander bushes for him and sprayed the aphids with soap suds and they are starting to bush out again...

as well as the Cat's Claw tree...
but that she didn't spray, or trim.

It was a beautiful day that pretended to rain. Clouds grouped up and floated by and got gray and dropped a few, just a tiny few drops and suddenly the oil was changed...
"There ya go", he said in a not so naggy tone as though he was happy now that she had finally let him have his way, even if he did have to pay...
"I'll get even with you later", and she surely would, she said as she drove away...
The Games People Play, the games people play,
It wouldn't be fun any other way.

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